Are you seeing the number 111? The number 1 is independent, driven, ambitious, pioneering and original in nature. It is the leader that goes forth with courage and strength. The number 111 encourages you to lead. It is a time to let go of the past, look toward the future and take your rightful place as a leader. Your individuality and courage will benefit you greatly and should be utilized.
The alignment of your mind, body and spirit will also be important now because what you create through new opportunities and decisions made will have a significant impact on your life as well as the lives of others. The number 1 signifies original and creative energy that goes forth within the world with self awareness.
Allow the ORIGINAL and CREATIVE LEADER within you to shine as a wayshower or example for others.
Take command and have the COURAGE to discover and maintain your AUTHENTIC POWER.
Then you are on the path. You are a divine soul protected, guided and loved